Welcome to the most powerful voodoo love spells on the internet! Voodoo is known to be the best magick of psychic arts! Now you can ask a real voodoo spell caster to cast love and money spells for you! Experience the effective power of Voodoo just like dozens of happy clients did before you. Voodoo is the key!!!

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Showing posts with label voodoo magic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label voodoo magic. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Good Luck Voodoo Spell

To fire up this kicker of a voodoo good luck spell, simply mix together the following ingredients:

    4 teaspoons of Wood Betony
    1/2 cup of Frankincense
    2 teaspoons of Orris Root Powder
    1/2 teaspoon of Saltpeter
    4 teaspoons of Vanilla Powder
    1 cup of Sandalwood Powder

Blend all of the above in a bowl (make sure that you choose one with a lid so that you can cover the mixture when not in use). Burn a small amount of the mixture, around a teaspoon, in a heat-proof dish every morning at sun-up and every evening at sundown.

This will attract good luck to your home, Do it every day for nine days. Longer if you feel you need to.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Voodoo Tarot of New Orleans

Voodoo Tarot of New Orleans by Sallie Ann Glassman.

A strong and powerful deck. There is enough magic in the deck & book to get you into serious trouble and nothing to get you out of trouble once you get in. Remember that in all forms of magic, it’s easier to get into trouble & harder to get out of it than novices imagine. On the other hand, there’s nothing here that will kill you. As for the “real stuff”, there’s not a trace. If you want that (and you probably do, that’s why you’re reading this), you’ll still have to find a magician to initiate you. Here’s a useful hint: As long as you’re looking for him, he’ll avoid you. It’s not personal, it’s just the western version of “one hand clapping”.

The deck: There are the usual 22 major arkana, plus a Wild Card, shown above, which makes a total of 79 cards. Some card titles are given in Creole, which is distantly recognizable as French. Suits: Petro (fire/wands); Santeria (pentacles); Rada (air/swords); Congo (cups). Court cards are Houngan (king); Mambo (queen); La Place (prince/knight); and Hounsis (princess).

Remember that if you call spirits, those that appear will exactly reflect your moral purity and that, once present, will not be under your complete control. These two facts should give pause. Voodoo has long been strong in Haiti & there are related reasons why that country has always been a mess. But this deck is New Orleans voodoo, not Haitian nor west African.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Spell for money

Money Bottle Spell
You will need a few items for this spell though:
• A small bottle with a lid
• 5 coins in different denominations
• 5 kernels of dried corn
• 5 sesame seeds
• 5 pieces of cinnamon stick
• 5 whole cloves
• 5 allspice seeds
• 5 peanuts
Choose a bottle large enough to fit everything but not too large. You want to fill the bottle. And the peanuts are just the edible parts (no shells) and unsalted.
Put everything in the bottle and shake it up. While you're doing so, repeat the words of the spell:
Silver and spices
Copper and grain
I need to increase
My financial gain
Store the finished bottle near where you keep your wallet or purse, but you don't have to carry it with you (though you can if you want). As you can see from the words, having at least one coin that is silver and copper would be great.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Floor Washes

Floor washes are used to remove negativity from the home or business or to bring good fortune, increase the number of customers, or to attract love. Florida Water is commonly used as a floor wash. A ritual floor washing typically starts at the back of the premises and end at the front door step. The top floor is washed from the ceiling to the floor, and this is repeated on each floor until one reaches the front door, where extra time is spent scrubbing the doorway. For the best results, wash your floors, corners of the rooms, closets, doorsteps, and spray a little on the walls, fabrics and furniture. To dispose of the left-over wash water, throw it out the front door or into the front yard, toward the East, if possible. Hardcore hoodoos will use their own urine or the urine of a child as an ingredient in a floor wash.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Banishing spells are spells designed to get rid of an enemy, or drive away an unwanted neighbor, for example. They can be used to banish illness, emotions, banish a lover’s jealousy, and unwanted spirits as well. Banishing spells are best done during a waning moon.
Banish Illness
For this spell you will need a handful of salt. Take the salt and toss it into the flames of a fire. The flames will turn blue. Gaze into the blue flames and focus intently on the illness leaving. As you visualize the illness going away, repeat the following words:

"Sickness burns, good health returns."

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Spell to obtain employment

A Charm to Get a Better Job
The purpose of this spell is to secure better employment with better pay, and to attract wealth and prosperity.
Green fabric
Salt, Magnetic Sand, Pyrite blend (provided)
Hemp rope
Money drawing incense
Charcoal block
Take piece of green flannel cloth and lay it flat with one of the corners facing you. Place in the middle of the fabric the salt, magnetic sand, and pyrite blend. Fold up the corners until you have a bundle and tie it closed with the hemp string. Place the charcoal block on a fire proof dish. Place a pinch of the money drawing incense on the charcoal block and light the charcoal. Pass the better job charm through the smoke and say the following nine times:
"Essence of light, earth, and fire, send me the job that says "please hire".
Send me better money, a better job, that I will be happy, wealthy, prosperous, and proud!”
Before each interview, hold this bundle and visualize yourself walking into the interview room, radiating confidence. Imagine yourself being in a position to pick and choose jobs at will. Carry this better job charm with you to your job interviews.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Voodoo Candle Magic

Candle magick is a primary activity in hoodoo. Hoodoo candles are available in all sorts of types and shapes. The most popular of the hoodoo candles are the glass encased seven-day candles with pictures of saints and angels on the fronts and prayers on the backs.
The practice of candle magick in hoodoo is fairly simple. First, a candle is chosen of a color that matches the specific need, such as green for money, black for repelling, etc. Then, it is then anointed with appropriate
dressing oil (Money Drawing Oil, Fast Luck Oil, etc). The final step is lighting the candle while reciting the appropriate psalm or statement of intent.
Some of the hoodoo candles are multicolored, one color, or specialized, such as the lucky lottery candle. Each one is designed to have a different effect. Candles can be found that are shaped in human form, and shaped like skulls, penises, and other representations accompany sympathetic magic. Sympathetic magic is based on the principle of like attracts like, so you would use a candle in a shape that closely represents your need.

White - Purity, Spirituality, Truth and Peace
Yellow - Intellectualism, Memory and Creativity
Orange - Ambition, Career and Matters involving the Law
Red - Energy, Strength, Courage, Lust & Sexual Potency
Dusky Pink - Romance & Sensuality
Pink - Love, Affection and Romance
Lilac - Inner Healling, Calmness & Tranquility
Purple - Spiritual Power, Psychic ability and third eye Magic
Blue - Inspiration, Occult Wisdom and devotion
Light Blue - Intuition, Meditation, Peace & Harmony
Light Green - Good Luck, Social Delights and Fertility
Green - Prosperity, Abundance, Money
Brown - Protection of Animals, Earth Magick, Stability, Nurturing & Grounding.
Silver/Grey- Clairvoyance, Astral energy and Intuition
Black - Protection, Binding, Reversing hexes

  • Flame goes out = Try again, now is not the right time.  Dispose of the candle, do not try to reuse it.
  • Flame is large and hot = Power is manifesting in favor of your desires, keep praying and sending energy to your desires.
  • Flame is weak = You’re facing strong opposition and you’re losing the battle.  Try your spell again.
  • Flame flickers = There is indecision either within yourself or in the process of your magick.
  • Flame jumps repeatedly = Bursts of energy, chaos and uncontrolled emotions surround you and your work.
  • Candle breaks = Try again, the time isn’t right.  Dispose of the candle and do not reuse.
  • Candle burns slowly or almost goes out = Task requires caution.  There will be many obstacles to overcome to reassess your plans.
  • Candle burns our quickly – The situation calls for fast action and lots of energy.  It may also indicate that the goal will be attained very quickly and easily.
  • Flame is multicolored = The energy of fire, ruled by the Salamander, resides in your spell and is aiding your work.  Communicate with the energy of the Salamander as it will help you in your work and bring you helpful messages.
  • Black soot develops = This is a very positive sign as it indicates negativity and barriers are being burned away.
  • Crackling sounds = The Salamander is pleading your case with the Spirits.  The lounder the sounds the harder it is working for you and the more opposition you’ll need to overcome.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Veve or Vévé

A Veve or Vévé (also spelled beybey and vever) is a religious symbol commonly used in Haitian Vodou.
The veves represent figures of the astral forces... In the course of Voodoo ceremonies, the reproduction of the astral forces represented by the veves obliges the loas... to descend to earth.
Every Loa has his or her own unique veve, although regional differences have led to different veves for the same loa in some cases. Sacrifices and offerings are usually placed upon them, with food and drink being most commonly used in the West.

The ritual diagram are also magic.

Veve of Maman Brigitte.  
Maman Brigitte is a death loa, the wife of Baron Samedi. Maman Brigitte is one of the few Loa who is white and is depicted as being fair-haired and green-eyed with light European skin. She protects gravestones in cemeteries if they are properly marked with a cross.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Voodoo Revenge Spell

Voodoo Revenge Spell


Cloth or sponge

Red paint
Blank chart paper
Black candle
Lemongrass oil


Make a cloth or sponge doll of the person against whom you seek revenge.

Dip the doll in a pot of mugwort. Coat the doll with clay. Paint it red.

Stick pins into it and with each pin say the following,

“May the vengeance in my heart,

Sting you like a poisoned dart.
Like a cripple may you live?
Until I so wish.
And like a vagabond may you wander,
Like a trembling gasping fish.
Dead or deaf, mute or maim,
May the higher powers grant my every passionate claim?”

On a blank chart paper, write the revenge you want against the person concerned and their name. Wrap the doll in that paper and fasten it with a string. With a black candle dipped in lemongrass oil, set it on fire and chant the spell until it is reduced to ashes.

Collect the ashes in a bottle and cork it well. Mix the ashes into the drink of the person and feed it. The intended revenge shall begin to show its effect within twenty-four hours of drinking the ashes.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Blessing Gris Gris Voodoo

Blessings Powder
• Lavender
• Jasmine
• Sandalwood
• Magnetic sand
Grind herbs, add magnetic sand, and add to a base of rice flour or corn starch.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Voodoo Gris Gris

Algier’s Fast Luck Powder
This powder is used when you need luck in a hurry.
• Wintergreen oil
• Patchouli
• Cinnamon
Grind herbs and add to a base of rice flour or corn starch. Mix in a few
drops of Wintergreen oil.

Monday, December 26, 2011


Lucky Gambling Mojo
To be lucky in gambling, make a mojo bag that contains a John the
Conqueror root, a dime with your initials scratched on it, and a lodestone
dressed with magnetic sand. Carry it in your pocket when gambling.
To Win at Every Game One Engages In
This spell comes from John George Hohman's (1820). The
Pow Wows book is a collection of magical formulas and veterinary recipes of Germanic origin and has had a big influence on hoodoo.
Tie the heart of a bat with a red silken string to the right arm, and you will win every game at cards you play.