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Showing posts with label defense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label defense. Show all posts

Friday, March 7, 2025

The fundamental Rules of Voodoo and Magic

Don’t reveal sensitive details about your intentions and tools.

Keeping all information about the hex to your chest is a smart way to go. Revenge hexes work are more potent when all information remains between you and your enchanter. 

Letting out information crucial to the success of your spell is essential to maximize its potency. Making the most of keeping quiet about your spells also lessens any chance of blowback.

A revenge hex isn’t something to play with; and that’s why being sure about your choice from the get-go is important. Some revenge spells are tasking than others, so access to vital information is necessary.

One of the crucial questions that must receive a clear answer is whether a revenge hex is worth casting. You’ll get most of the tough work completed with ease if you can answer definite questions about your desires. 

Timing is key when you seek to engage hexes. It’s best you settle for an instant hexes, if you cannot wait for a long time. But the duration of your waiting period could reduce any issues that may arise later on.

Black and white magic spells don’t share the same waiting time, so patience is key when picking a correct enchantment.

Cast only one spell because if you stray into believing that several are more powerful, you will nullify the original spell and none will have any effect.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Enemy Move Away Spells

Spell #1: When the moon is in a Waning Phase, write on white parchment paper the full name of the person you want to move, along with birth date. Roll up the paper, with a photo if you have one, place inside a bottle of vinegar, then toss into a body of running water, visualize your enemy moving away as the bottle is washed away. Spell #2: Get a small jar or bottle with a lid. On a piece of paper draw a house with a big X thru it. Then write their name on it 9 times on the outside of the house in the picture. Fill the jar with 4 thieves vinegar, cap and cast into a moving body of water. You can also intensify this with splashing War Water on their outside door knobs and their porch. As you do this, visualizing them packed up and moving, driving away down the street away from their house. GOOD LUCK!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Instructions for Voodoo Doll Spell

Instructions for Voodoo Doll Spell

Take thy doll and place it into the circle. After doing so take the doll and chant whilst placing your Enemies item upon it..and chant the following placing the doll back into the circle.

I command you, I control you.
I command you, I compel you.
I command you ,I compel you,
I command you, I compel you

Hear my voice!

For what thy enemy has done to me so shall my pain come to them.
Hear my voice, The pain you have caused me I shall cause thee!

Take Needle, Candle ect, and Inflict pain to thy Doll.
Repeat if needed.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

For Protection Against Enemies

For protection from being crossed by an enemy, go to the grave of your nearest relative and buy some dirt from them. Dig a hole at the head of the grave and offer them one dollar. Take a tablespoon of dirt from the hole and stick that dollar bill into the hole and cover it up. Tell your relative you need their help to keep your enemies away from you. Take the dirt and sprinkle it in front of your home and you will be protected from then on.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


The ritual symbol for the god of crossroads, Exu. Use this talisman for removing obstacles and creating opportunities.

For the best result, draw out the talisman on a piece of parchment paper with Dragon’s blood ink. Alternately, you may print out the page, cut out the desired talisman, and fold it either towards you to draw the talisman’s properties to you, or away from you to repel negativity.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Place a glass of water out at your bedside before you go to sleep. In the morning empty
 it into the toilet, using the anti-dexter hand. Rinse the glass out three times. 
Do this every night, not just when you are having nightmares.

Burning Benzoin incense in the room will raise the vibration of the room, and keep 
most negative spirit influences away.

If you were born with the Sun in Gemini, you are susceptible to this kind of influence 
every lunar month. (Statistically, you are more susceptible than the average person.) 
You should note what sign the moon is in when you have these nightmares, 
and be certain to clean your room physically the day before the moon enters that sign. 
This, using the night water, and burning incense will be of some assistance to you.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

To Get Rid of a Troublesome Neighbor

1. Light a black candle and dress with castor oil.
2. Write the neighbor’s name on a piece of paper and the word
“goodbye”. Place the paper under the candle.

3. Mix powdered mud daubers nest with graveyard dirt and throw it at
the neighbor’s front door.

4. Recite psalms 74, 101, and 109 three times each and let the candle
burn out.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Protection spells

Red Brick Dust
To keep negativity from entering your home take an old red brick
and pound it into dust. Take the dust and pour it across your doorway.

Salt and Black Pepper Floor Wash for Protection
To give natural protection against anything evil and to protect
against evil works done to you, mix salt and black pepper in a bucket of w

Friday, April 20, 2012

Enemy be gone

1. Purchase an all purpose Voodoo doll or make a Voodoo doll to represent your intentions.
2. Write a statement of purpose. “I am here to banish negative influences from my life. Right now, (name) is exerting an extremely negative force upon me. I ask for the Manman Brigit and Baron Samedi to assist me in
banishing these forces and eliminating his/her destructiveness”.
3. Put the statement inside the doll.
4. Take the Voodoo doll somewhere far away from your home, dig a hole, place the doll in the hole, burn it, and bury it in the hole. As you burn the doll, say: “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Enemy be gone, far away you
5. Cover the remains of the doll with the dirt. Thank the loa by leaving black coffee on the spot where the doll is buried. Leave the place without looking back and do not ever return to that spot.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

How to Make a Gris Gris

A gris gris bag is a sort of talisman magick, except it is hidden from the view of others. It is always ritually prepared in front of an altar.
Remember, here are the five things to remember when “fixing” a gris gris bag:
1. Color symbolism is important. Choose a color specific to your need.
2. It must contain an odd number of items, more than three, never more than 13.
3. It must be filled with items that are specific to the desired purpose.
4. It must be dressed with a liquid of some kind.
5. It is also smudged or smoked in incense, candle, or breathed upon.
To use a gris gris bag, hold it and focus on the need or desire that you have. Imagine yourself accomplishing your goal by creating a clear vision of yourself successfully attaining what it is you desire in your mind. Do this exercise as frequently as possible.

Blessing Gris Gris Voodoo

Blessings Powder
• Lavender
• Jasmine
• Sandalwood
• Magnetic sand
Grind herbs, add magnetic sand, and add to a base of rice flour or corn starch.

Monday, December 26, 2011

MAGIC SPELL: Defense Against The Dark

You need a little things: . A mirror. 3 white candles, 1 Lemon and salt. A cloth.

Set the 3 white candles up in a triangle with the point facing away from you. Place the mirror in the middle.
Starting from the right and going clockwise, light the first candle and evoke:
Light this candle
let it shine
light this heart
and love of mine
Make it strong
and make it true
love flows into
all I do.

Light the second candle and evoke:
Light this candle
let it shine
light this perfect
mind of mine
Make it strong
and make it true
Logic flows
through all I do.

Light the third candle and evoke:
Light this candle,
let it shine,
light this perfect
soul of mine,
let it rise
and guide me true
flow through all
I will and do.

Put a little lemon and a little salt on the mirror and with your fingertips, massage it in circular movements into the surface of the mirror as you evoke:

Mirror clear and mirror bright,
mirror day and mirror night,
shining clear for all to see,
mirror is protecting me
Mirror mirror flowing free
blocks all negativity
sends it back
by power of three
Heart and mind and soul combined,
angels, guardians all aligned,
Thrice the power,
thrice the love,
blessed by the stars above,
blessed by the earth below,
So it shall be,
and it is so.

Now clean the mirror whilst you keep in mind a sense of white light, perfect reflection, purity and safety, innocence protected and celebrated.
When you are all done, thank each white candle in turn and blow them out.
Leave the mirror to rest overnight, and in the morning. Now it is ready to be used.

Use in personal protection, as well as the protection of buildings, rooms, spaces, even boats and cars is powerful, simple, and the best defense against the dark arts there is.