Welcome to the most powerful voodoo love spells on the internet! Voodoo is known to be the best magick of psychic arts! Now you can ask a real voodoo spell caster to cast love and money spells for you! Experience the effective power of Voodoo just like dozens of happy clients did before you. Voodoo is the key!!!

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Showing posts with label free powerful voodoo spells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free powerful voodoo spells. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Lucky Charm Spell

Lucky Charm Spell

Perform this spell on a Thursday.

Carefully light the candle.
Now hold the object in your hand ( preferably right ) and feel positive energy flowing into you. From all around you - the sky and the earth
Recite this incantation:
I open my eyes to the chances around me
Health and wealth
Safety and happiness
May these energies stay in this [ say object ]
Good cheer result ( repeat 3 times )
Rub object with mint leaves and blow that candle out softly. 

Money Shaker Spell

Money Shaker Spell

 Take your olive or mint oil and anoint the candle asking (insert your god/goddess here) to bless the candle with powers of prosperity and good luck. Second, light the candle letting a pool of wax form about 1/2 for votive candle 1 inch for jar candles and just let a taper burn for a few minutes. Third, add your coins, almond, mint, allspice, dried peas and dried rice to your jar and drip 3 drops of either oil on top of the herbs. Lastly, take your ribbon and wrap it around the neck of the jar or whatever you're using as many times as you can and tie it off with a bow (it Judy looks more attractive this way) And take your candle and CAREFULLY pour the candle wax around the sides of the lid so the wax seals the jar or tin shut completely. Now your money shaker is ready to make all kinds of noises and rhythms to help money flow into your life. It's also a great stress reliever of you ask me. Optional: you can draw a pentacle inside of the los before you add the wax or a sigil of some sort that is associated with money.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Instructions for Voodoo Doll Spell

Instructions for Voodoo Doll Spell

Take thy doll and place it into the circle. After doing so take the doll and chant whilst placing your Enemies item upon it..and chant the following placing the doll back into the circle.

I command you, I control you.
I command you, I compel you.
I command you ,I compel you,
I command you, I compel you

Hear my voice!

For what thy enemy has done to me so shall my pain come to them.
Hear my voice, The pain you have caused me I shall cause thee!

Take Needle, Candle ect, and Inflict pain to thy Doll.
Repeat if needed.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Free Love Spell

The Apple of Your Eye
Apples have a long magickal history, and they are a very powerful fruit to use in any type of love spell. You will need the following for this spell:
  • 1 fresh, ripe red apple (yes it has to be red)
  • 1 slip of white or pink paper
  • 1 small piece of rose quartz
  • Honey
Find a fantastic looking red apple, and carefully cut it to remove the core but leave the rest of the apple intact. Kind of like making a jack o'lantern. Save the "lid" too. Once you've made your little apple bottle, repeat the following:
Deep within this apple's heart,
I cast this spell to have a start,
At love and romance coming soon
Bring it 'fore the next full moon.

Write down the name of your intended love, or if you prefer to keep in non-specific, some traits that you want to see in a romantic partner. Fold it up and put it in the apple. Drop in the quartz, and dribble some honey in over it all. Place the lid on top to seal up the spell.
Place the apple somewhere in your kitchen for a few days (not in the fridge, or you'll put a chill on the whole thing). Keep an eye on the apple, and as soon as it starts to get soft, you need to bury it outside. Don't let it get fully rotten, just starting to go. Bury it, and you should see some new love come your way soon.

Open Their Eyes Spell
This is a more subtle approach to a free love spell, and it just makes someone think about you a little more often. It won't make them love you, but does put you in their thoughts each day. Sometimes, that's all it takes.
  • 2 white candles
  • A piece of clear glass (not a mirror!)
  • A red marker
  • 2 pieces of red yarn or string
  • Rose oil
For the glass, you can use a broken piece of window or even a jar if you have to. It needs to be clear and a few inches across at least. If you are using broken glass, just be careful with your fingers.
Anoint the candles with rose oil, and tie a bow around each one with red yarn. Set them up in candle holders a few inches apart. On the glass, use the marker to draw an eye with a heart in it on both sides of the glass, right over top each other.
Prop the glass up between the candles and light them. Think about the person you are interested in, and say their name a few times. Look through one side of the glass and watch the flame through the eye you drew.
Let the candles burn out on their own, and you'll find that person can't stop thinking about you now that their eyes are open. Now that you have their attention, make the most of it.

Original Skull Box VooDoo Spell Kit

This is an Original Skull Box VooDoo Spell Kit

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Attraction Love Charm

By the light of a full moon, take a silver ring and wrap it in a clean white cloth. Dig a small hole and bury the ring inside. While focusing on the kind of lover you are looking for and pouring a small amount of wine (or milk) over the earth recite these words:

Blessed Mother fair and true
This Gift I offer unto You
Bless this ring and make it shine
Bring a lover to be mine
Let it Be So!

Leave the ring buried until the next full moon, then dig it up and wear it. If your lover is near, he/she will be drawn to you.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

For Protection Against Enemies

For protection from being crossed by an enemy, go to the grave of your nearest relative and buy some dirt from them. Dig a hole at the head of the grave and offer them one dollar. Take a tablespoon of dirt from the hole and stick that dollar bill into the hole and cover it up. Tell your relative you need their help to keep your enemies away from you. Take the dirt and sprinkle it in front of your home and you will be protected from then on.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Banishing spells are spells designed to get rid of an enemy, or drive away an unwanted neighbor, for example. They can be used to banish illness, emotions, banish a lover’s jealousy, and unwanted spirits as well. Banishing spells are best done during a waning moon.
Banish Illness
For this spell you will need a handful of salt. Take the salt and toss it into the flames of a fire. The flames will turn blue. Gaze into the blue flames and focus intently on the illness leaving. As you visualize the illness going away, repeat the following words:

"Sickness burns, good health returns."

Sunday, January 6, 2013


The ritual symbol for the god of crossroads, Exu. Use this talisman for removing obstacles and creating opportunities.

For the best result, draw out the talisman on a piece of parchment paper with Dragon’s blood ink. Alternately, you may print out the page, cut out the desired talisman, and fold it either towards you to draw the talisman’s properties to you, or away from you to repel negativity.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Job Spell

Now days getting proper job is very important. If you have a job but if you are not happy with it, or if you are looking for a job since long and you are not successful then you may try this spell.
What you have to do is first you may take your spiritual bath with the help of rosewater and sandal perfume, once this is done, then you will need a Green Candle. Before sunrise you may start the spell casting. You may burn the candle and till half the candle is burnt, you have to concentrate and meditate that you will get a proper job or if you are going for any interview you should get the job. After half the candle is burn, then on the other half you have to chant these words MIKAN PISAN MONAM DINAM. Once this is over then you will have to collect the wax and keep it with you when you will be going for a job. You will be successful.

Free and Simple Money Spell

Try this spell, and be free from financial problems.
You will need Horse Tail Hair, preferably Black in color. Once you have the hair then tie all the strands of hair with a black satin thread. Then catch it in your right hand, close your eyes, and chant these words: SAARI MUSIBAT HAL HO. And while chanting you will have to meditate and keep in your mind that all your financial problems should go immediately. After this you will have to take the hair and keep it in your safe where you keep your money or costly things like jewelry etc. You will have financial gains.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

To Get Rid of a Troublesome Neighbor

1. Light a black candle and dress with castor oil.
2. Write the neighbor’s name on a piece of paper and the word
“goodbye”. Place the paper under the candle.

3. Mix powdered mud daubers nest with graveyard dirt and throw it at
the neighbor’s front door.

4. Recite psalms 74, 101, and 109 three times each and let the candle
burn out.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Protection spells

Red Brick Dust
To keep negativity from entering your home take an old red brick
and pound it into dust. Take the dust and pour it across your doorway.

Salt and Black Pepper Floor Wash for Protection
To give natural protection against anything evil and to protect
against evil works done to you, mix salt and black pepper in a bucket of w

Monday, May 7, 2012

Spell to Bind Someone Dangerous

This spell is best performed on Saturday (Saturn's Day, to bind a criminal, one who intends to do harm, to bring someone to justice).
• a poppet made to represent the target
• a black candle
• salt water
• personal effect of the target, if available
• frankincense incense
• red ribbon
Light a black candle and burn frankincense incense. Sprinkle the poppet with salt water, saying:
Blessed be, thou creature made of art.
Thou art not cloth (or wax, whatever it is made out of)
But flesh and blood.
I name thee ___________ (name the person being bound)
Thou art s/he, between the worlds, in all the worlds, So be it.
Hold the poppet and begin tying it up firmly with the red ribbon, binding all parts of it that could possibly do harm. Charge it, saying:
"By air and earth, water and fire, so be you bound, as I desire."
Bury the poppet at the time of the waning moon, far from your home, under
a heavy rock beneath a tree.