Welcome to the most powerful voodoo love spells on the internet! Voodoo is known to be the best magick of psychic arts! Now you can ask a real voodoo spell caster to cast love and money spells for you! Experience the effective power of Voodoo just like dozens of happy clients did before you. Voodoo is the key!!!

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Showing posts with label powerful voodoo spells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label powerful voodoo spells. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Money Shaker Spell

Money Shaker Spell

 Take your olive or mint oil and anoint the candle asking (insert your god/goddess here) to bless the candle with powers of prosperity and good luck. Second, light the candle letting a pool of wax form about 1/2 for votive candle 1 inch for jar candles and just let a taper burn for a few minutes. Third, add your coins, almond, mint, allspice, dried peas and dried rice to your jar and drip 3 drops of either oil on top of the herbs. Lastly, take your ribbon and wrap it around the neck of the jar or whatever you're using as many times as you can and tie it off with a bow (it Judy looks more attractive this way) And take your candle and CAREFULLY pour the candle wax around the sides of the lid so the wax seals the jar or tin shut completely. Now your money shaker is ready to make all kinds of noises and rhythms to help money flow into your life. It's also a great stress reliever of you ask me. Optional: you can draw a pentacle inside of the los before you add the wax or a sigil of some sort that is associated with money.


Death by Voodoo Doll Spell

This is best done on a saturday on a waning moon.
Construct the poppet( voodoo doll), with whatever materials you have chosen, it doesnt have to be artistic, make whatever you can that resembles a human( the person you want dead). All while doing it visualize it as the person.
Put the personal items either inside or firmly stuck on the poppet. Get the graveyard dust/ dirt. make sure it is dirt from a real grave yard you have gathered yourself. and put it in and on the poppet, then as you visualize the popet as the person with as much focus and hate, you then stab it, knowing you have killed the person.
Be as hateful as you can, then you take it and either bury it in a graveyard or outside the persons home or their place of work.
After doing such workings it is then advisale to clean you aura and chakras and I personally like to also have a spiritual cleansing bath(with rue herb or rue oil, eggshell powder and sea salt).

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Instructions for Revenge spell (graveyard magic)

Instructions for Revenge spell (graveyard magic)

This ritual is carried out only in 29 lunar day.

- 10 pm, at the altar light the black candle 13. summon demons (to enhance the power of the ritual).
-Make a doll of wax. baptize the doll (the doll name + the name of the enemy ritual of baptism.)
Black fabric cut two large cross. little more than a doll. Put the doll on a cross. Top cover doll second cross. After that wraps the doll with black thread.
9 times, and say:

___ (Name your enemy) to put you to a black cross. Covering a black cross. in a black shroud you dress up. From the light I see off to the side of darkness.
I point you the way to the churchyard, the grave in a coffin. "

Release the demons (special ritual words).

After this, go to graveyard. they find the grave on which erased the name ( do not know who it is). in the center of the grave dig a hole, to a depth of 8-10 yard. put a hole in the doll. and say:
"___ (name your enemy), you are going to lie. here is your new home."

Pit covered with soil.
After that, at the grave with a ritual knife kill a chicken. chicken to put on the grave (the place where the pit)
not to look away, to go home and shut up. with no one to talk.
Then in the next 3 days you should not eat meat.

Instructions for Voodoo Doll Spell

Instructions for Voodoo Doll Spell

Take thy doll and place it into the circle. After doing so take the doll and chant whilst placing your Enemies item upon it..and chant the following placing the doll back into the circle.

I command you, I control you.
I command you, I compel you.
I command you ,I compel you,
I command you, I compel you

Hear my voice!

For what thy enemy has done to me so shall my pain come to them.
Hear my voice, The pain you have caused me I shall cause thee!

Take Needle, Candle ect, and Inflict pain to thy Doll.
Repeat if needed.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Spell for money

Money Bottle Spell
You will need a few items for this spell though:
• A small bottle with a lid
• 5 coins in different denominations
• 5 kernels of dried corn
• 5 sesame seeds
• 5 pieces of cinnamon stick
• 5 whole cloves
• 5 allspice seeds
• 5 peanuts
Choose a bottle large enough to fit everything but not too large. You want to fill the bottle. And the peanuts are just the edible parts (no shells) and unsalted.
Put everything in the bottle and shake it up. While you're doing so, repeat the words of the spell:
Silver and spices
Copper and grain
I need to increase
My financial gain
Store the finished bottle near where you keep your wallet or purse, but you don't have to carry it with you (though you can if you want). As you can see from the words, having at least one coin that is silver and copper would be great.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Marie Laveau Live!

A few months after Hurricane Katrina, construction crews moved in and began helping to rebuild the city of New Orleans.
During renovations on one flood damaged home, workers discovered a hidden room behind a false wall. It looked like the hidden room had been sealed up for at least a hundred years!
Inside was some kind of stone altar, covered with strange dolls, statues, candles and bottles. In the middle of the altar, resting in the middle of a circle drawn with some kind of strange white powder, was an old hand written leather book.  It was a strange combination of English and French, and the workers could only make out small parts here and there; "To Bring a Lover" , "To Win at Gambling", "To Become Succesful", "To Obtain the Three Magic Bones".
Dozens and dozens of chants, and spells, and incantations. It was hard to make sense of it all. One part seemed to be a list of various oils and their ingredients, another section told of how to foretell the future from a card game called Patience, and goes on to explain the method and the meanings of the cards.
These men knew nothing of Voodoo and Hoodoo, and almost threw the book and other items away. Then they saw on the inside cover of the book one thing they had heard of, a name.One that anyone who has ever set foot in New Orleans has heard.
Written on the inside cover were these words: "Property of Marie Laveau".

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Banishing spells are spells designed to get rid of an enemy, or drive away an unwanted neighbor, for example. They can be used to banish illness, emotions, banish a lover’s jealousy, and unwanted spirits as well. Banishing spells are best done during a waning moon.
Banish Illness
For this spell you will need a handful of salt. Take the salt and toss it into the flames of a fire. The flames will turn blue. Gaze into the blue flames and focus intently on the illness leaving. As you visualize the illness going away, repeat the following words:

"Sickness burns, good health returns."

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Get Someone to Move

Get a small jar or bottle with a lid. On a piece of paper draw a house with a big X thru it. Then write the person you want to move’s name on it 9 times, but not inside the house. Fill with 4 thieves vinegar, cap and cast into a river or ocean. That is a good one but back it up with splashing War Water on all their outside door knobs and porches. Do this as you build energy visualizing them packed up and driving away down the street.

To Get Rid of a Troublesome Neighbor

1. Light a black candle and dress with castor oil.
2. Write the neighbor’s name on a piece of paper and the word
“goodbye”. Place the paper under the candle.

3. Mix powdered mud daubers nest with graveyard dirt and throw it at
the neighbor’s front door.

4. Recite psalms 74, 101, and 109 three times each and let the candle
burn out.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Protection spells

Red Brick Dust
To keep negativity from entering your home take an old red brick
and pound it into dust. Take the dust and pour it across your doorway.

Salt and Black Pepper Floor Wash for Protection
To give natural protection against anything evil and to protect
against evil works done to you, mix salt and black pepper in a bucket of w

Monday, May 7, 2012

Five Money Drawing Spell

The purpose of this spell is to attract money. Gather the following items:
Three coins
Place a small bowl in a place you will see every day. While holding three coins in your dominant hand say:
Trinka five, Trinka five
Ancient Spirits come alive,
Money grow and money thrive,
Spirits of the trinka five.
Toss the coins in the bowl. Repeat daily for nine consecutive days until you have the money you need.

Spell to Bind Someone Dangerous

This spell is best performed on Saturday (Saturn's Day, to bind a criminal, one who intends to do harm, to bring someone to justice).
• a poppet made to represent the target
• a black candle
• salt water
• personal effect of the target, if available
• frankincense incense
• red ribbon
Light a black candle and burn frankincense incense. Sprinkle the poppet with salt water, saying:
Blessed be, thou creature made of art.
Thou art not cloth (or wax, whatever it is made out of)
But flesh and blood.
I name thee ___________ (name the person being bound)
Thou art s/he, between the worlds, in all the worlds, So be it.
Hold the poppet and begin tying it up firmly with the red ribbon, binding all parts of it that could possibly do harm. Charge it, saying:
"By air and earth, water and fire, so be you bound, as I desire."
Bury the poppet at the time of the waning moon, far from your home, under
a heavy rock beneath a tree.

Friday, April 20, 2012

To Gain Power over Another

Get the largest white stick candle you can find. Pour some bend over oil in your palm and begin twisting the candle with your hands. Then roll the candle in a powder made of salt and camphor. Light the candle and let it burn all the way down. On the third night, take the remaining powder mixture and throw it in the path where the one to be dominated will walk.
Very powerfull spell!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Voodoo Revenge Spell

Voodoo Revenge Spell


Cloth or sponge

Red paint
Blank chart paper
Black candle
Lemongrass oil


Make a cloth or sponge doll of the person against whom you seek revenge.

Dip the doll in a pot of mugwort. Coat the doll with clay. Paint it red.

Stick pins into it and with each pin say the following,

“May the vengeance in my heart,

Sting you like a poisoned dart.
Like a cripple may you live?
Until I so wish.
And like a vagabond may you wander,
Like a trembling gasping fish.
Dead or deaf, mute or maim,
May the higher powers grant my every passionate claim?”

On a blank chart paper, write the revenge you want against the person concerned and their name. Wrap the doll in that paper and fasten it with a string. With a black candle dipped in lemongrass oil, set it on fire and chant the spell until it is reduced to ashes.

Collect the ashes in a bottle and cork it well. Mix the ashes into the drink of the person and feed it. The intended revenge shall begin to show its effect within twenty-four hours of drinking the ashes.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Money spell - Voodoo Gris Gris

Money Drawing Powder
• Cedar
• Patchouli
• Galangal
• Ginger
Grind herbs and add to a base of rice flour or corn starch.

Voodoo Gris Gris

Algier’s Fast Luck Powder
This powder is used when you need luck in a hurry.
• Wintergreen oil
• Patchouli
• Cinnamon
Grind herbs and add to a base of rice flour or corn starch. Mix in a few
drops of Wintergreen oil.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Voodoo Money Spell

Ingredients: Paper money, Needle, String, Red cloth, Salt, Pink candles, Tangerine oil, Amber incense stick
Take a note of paper money. Pierce a tiny hole into it. With a needle, put a string through it.

On a red piece of cloth, stitch the paper money. Hang it on the wall like a decorative wall hanging.

Below make a square with salt. On the four corners of the square, place pink candles. Inside the square keep a tiny bowl of tangerine oil.

Stirring the oil clockwise with the end of an Amber incense stick, recite the following spell,

Pinned to my life for evermore,

You go with me to every shore.
Though I trade you always for another thing,
Come back you will to make my pockets ring.

As you recite the spell imagine the growth of wealth in your accounts and the money in your pockets. Do concentrate on the total growth you wish to achieve. This is a voodoo spell so be extra careful with it.

Practice this as a ritual three times for fifteen days and thereafter once each day. Wealth and fortune shall never leave your side

MAGIC SPELL: Defense Against The Dark

You need a little things: . A mirror. 3 white candles, 1 Lemon and salt. A cloth.

Set the 3 white candles up in a triangle with the point facing away from you. Place the mirror in the middle.
Starting from the right and going clockwise, light the first candle and evoke:
Light this candle
let it shine
light this heart
and love of mine
Make it strong
and make it true
love flows into
all I do.

Light the second candle and evoke:
Light this candle
let it shine
light this perfect
mind of mine
Make it strong
and make it true
Logic flows
through all I do.

Light the third candle and evoke:
Light this candle,
let it shine,
light this perfect
soul of mine,
let it rise
and guide me true
flow through all
I will and do.

Put a little lemon and a little salt on the mirror and with your fingertips, massage it in circular movements into the surface of the mirror as you evoke:

Mirror clear and mirror bright,
mirror day and mirror night,
shining clear for all to see,
mirror is protecting me
Mirror mirror flowing free
blocks all negativity
sends it back
by power of three
Heart and mind and soul combined,
angels, guardians all aligned,
Thrice the power,
thrice the love,
blessed by the stars above,
blessed by the earth below,
So it shall be,
and it is so.

Now clean the mirror whilst you keep in mind a sense of white light, perfect reflection, purity and safety, innocence protected and celebrated.
When you are all done, thank each white candle in turn and blow them out.
Leave the mirror to rest overnight, and in the morning. Now it is ready to be used.

Use in personal protection, as well as the protection of buildings, rooms, spaces, even boats and cars is powerful, simple, and the best defense against the dark arts there is.


Chant the spell out ALOUD, in fact as LOUD as you can, so you can really hear it ringing across the levels, planes and layers. Clap your hands to keep the rhythm and DANCE the entire spell WITH YOUR WHOLE BODY.

Money joy and money pleasure,

money riches, money treasure,

come to me my friend of old

come to me in shining gold,

I'm in love for I can see

you are perfect energy!

Feed me, lift me, bring me joys,

bring me pleasures, bring me toys,

Rushing brightness I adore,

clear me, raise me, more and more!

Money come and play with me!