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Showing posts with label black magick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black magick. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2018

Foot Track Magic

Foot track magic is one of the hallmarks of hoodoo. It involves throwing powders and such in the path of a target, who will suffer from abnormal maladies and a run of bad luck once they have walked on it. 
The belief is that the toxic properties of the powder will be absorbed through the foot and “poison” the individual. Ailments such as back problems, difficulty walking, water retention, especially in the legs, and difficulty concentrating are some of the complaints of those who have been victimized in this fashion. The only cure is removal by a rootworker. 
Foot track magic occurs in two ways: the direct method, and the sympathetic method. The direct method is when the powder or other substance is thrown on the ground or a bottle is buried and the person’s foot actually touches or walks over it. Some folks take care and throw down the mess in an X pattern. 
I was always told you just throw it where you know the person is going to walk. The second method involves capturing the person’s foot print by gathering the dirt from an actual foot print of the target, or by taking an old sock or shoe and doctoring it with some other powder to jinx or cross a person.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Death by Voodoo Doll Spell

This is best done on a saturday on a waning moon.
Construct the poppet( voodoo doll), with whatever materials you have chosen, it doesnt have to be artistic, make whatever you can that resembles a human( the person you want dead). All while doing it visualize it as the person.
Put the personal items either inside or firmly stuck on the poppet. Get the graveyard dust/ dirt. make sure it is dirt from a real grave yard you have gathered yourself. and put it in and on the poppet, then as you visualize the popet as the person with as much focus and hate, you then stab it, knowing you have killed the person.
Be as hateful as you can, then you take it and either bury it in a graveyard or outside the persons home or their place of work.
After doing such workings it is then advisale to clean you aura and chakras and I personally like to also have a spiritual cleansing bath(with rue herb or rue oil, eggshell powder and sea salt).

Friday, January 20, 2012

Voodoo Revenge Spell

Voodoo Revenge Spell


Cloth or sponge

Red paint
Blank chart paper
Black candle
Lemongrass oil


Make a cloth or sponge doll of the person against whom you seek revenge.

Dip the doll in a pot of mugwort. Coat the doll with clay. Paint it red.

Stick pins into it and with each pin say the following,

“May the vengeance in my heart,

Sting you like a poisoned dart.
Like a cripple may you live?
Until I so wish.
And like a vagabond may you wander,
Like a trembling gasping fish.
Dead or deaf, mute or maim,
May the higher powers grant my every passionate claim?”

On a blank chart paper, write the revenge you want against the person concerned and their name. Wrap the doll in that paper and fasten it with a string. With a black candle dipped in lemongrass oil, set it on fire and chant the spell until it is reduced to ashes.

Collect the ashes in a bottle and cork it well. Mix the ashes into the drink of the person and feed it. The intended revenge shall begin to show its effect within twenty-four hours of drinking the ashes.

Monday, December 26, 2011

MAGIC SPELL: Defense Against The Dark

You need a little things: . A mirror. 3 white candles, 1 Lemon and salt. A cloth.

Set the 3 white candles up in a triangle with the point facing away from you. Place the mirror in the middle.
Starting from the right and going clockwise, light the first candle and evoke:
Light this candle
let it shine
light this heart
and love of mine
Make it strong
and make it true
love flows into
all I do.

Light the second candle and evoke:
Light this candle
let it shine
light this perfect
mind of mine
Make it strong
and make it true
Logic flows
through all I do.

Light the third candle and evoke:
Light this candle,
let it shine,
light this perfect
soul of mine,
let it rise
and guide me true
flow through all
I will and do.

Put a little lemon and a little salt on the mirror and with your fingertips, massage it in circular movements into the surface of the mirror as you evoke:

Mirror clear and mirror bright,
mirror day and mirror night,
shining clear for all to see,
mirror is protecting me
Mirror mirror flowing free
blocks all negativity
sends it back
by power of three
Heart and mind and soul combined,
angels, guardians all aligned,
Thrice the power,
thrice the love,
blessed by the stars above,
blessed by the earth below,
So it shall be,
and it is so.

Now clean the mirror whilst you keep in mind a sense of white light, perfect reflection, purity and safety, innocence protected and celebrated.
When you are all done, thank each white candle in turn and blow them out.
Leave the mirror to rest overnight, and in the morning. Now it is ready to be used.

Use in personal protection, as well as the protection of buildings, rooms, spaces, even boats and cars is powerful, simple, and the best defense against the dark arts there is.