Don’t reveal sensitive details about your intentions and tools.
Keeping all information about the hex to your chest is a smart way to go. Revenge hexes work are more potent when all information remains between you and your enchanter.
Letting out information crucial to the success of your spell is essential to maximize its potency. Making the most of keeping quiet about your spells also lessens any chance of blowback.
A revenge hex isn’t something to play with; and that’s why being sure about your choice from the get-go is important. Some revenge spells are tasking than others, so access to vital information is necessary.
One of the crucial questions that must receive a clear answer is whether a revenge hex is worth casting. You’ll get most of the tough work completed with ease if you can answer definite questions about your desires.
Timing is key when you seek to engage hexes. It’s best you settle for an instant hexes, if you cannot wait for a long time. But the duration of your waiting period could reduce any issues that may arise later on.
Black and white magic spells don’t share the same waiting time, so patience is key when picking a correct enchantment.
Cast only one spell because if you stray into believing that several are more powerful, you will nullify the original spell and none will have any effect.