Welcome to the most powerful voodoo love spells on the internet! Voodoo is known to be the best magick of psychic arts! Now you can ask a real voodoo spell caster to cast love and money spells for you! Experience the effective power of Voodoo just like dozens of happy clients did before you. Voodoo is the key!!!

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Showing posts with label Magic Spells Love Spells Money Talismans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magic Spells Love Spells Money Talismans. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Money Shaker Spell

Money Shaker Spell

 Take your olive or mint oil and anoint the candle asking (insert your god/goddess here) to bless the candle with powers of prosperity and good luck. Second, light the candle letting a pool of wax form about 1/2 for votive candle 1 inch for jar candles and just let a taper burn for a few minutes. Third, add your coins, almond, mint, allspice, dried peas and dried rice to your jar and drip 3 drops of either oil on top of the herbs. Lastly, take your ribbon and wrap it around the neck of the jar or whatever you're using as many times as you can and tie it off with a bow (it Judy looks more attractive this way) And take your candle and CAREFULLY pour the candle wax around the sides of the lid so the wax seals the jar or tin shut completely. Now your money shaker is ready to make all kinds of noises and rhythms to help money flow into your life. It's also a great stress reliever of you ask me. Optional: you can draw a pentacle inside of the los before you add the wax or a sigil of some sort that is associated with money.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Free Love Spell

The Apple of Your Eye
Apples have a long magickal history, and they are a very powerful fruit to use in any type of love spell. You will need the following for this spell:
  • 1 fresh, ripe red apple (yes it has to be red)
  • 1 slip of white or pink paper
  • 1 small piece of rose quartz
  • Honey
Find a fantastic looking red apple, and carefully cut it to remove the core but leave the rest of the apple intact. Kind of like making a jack o'lantern. Save the "lid" too. Once you've made your little apple bottle, repeat the following:
Deep within this apple's heart,
I cast this spell to have a start,
At love and romance coming soon
Bring it 'fore the next full moon.

Write down the name of your intended love, or if you prefer to keep in non-specific, some traits that you want to see in a romantic partner. Fold it up and put it in the apple. Drop in the quartz, and dribble some honey in over it all. Place the lid on top to seal up the spell.
Place the apple somewhere in your kitchen for a few days (not in the fridge, or you'll put a chill on the whole thing). Keep an eye on the apple, and as soon as it starts to get soft, you need to bury it outside. Don't let it get fully rotten, just starting to go. Bury it, and you should see some new love come your way soon.

Open Their Eyes Spell
This is a more subtle approach to a free love spell, and it just makes someone think about you a little more often. It won't make them love you, but does put you in their thoughts each day. Sometimes, that's all it takes.
  • 2 white candles
  • A piece of clear glass (not a mirror!)
  • A red marker
  • 2 pieces of red yarn or string
  • Rose oil
For the glass, you can use a broken piece of window or even a jar if you have to. It needs to be clear and a few inches across at least. If you are using broken glass, just be careful with your fingers.
Anoint the candles with rose oil, and tie a bow around each one with red yarn. Set them up in candle holders a few inches apart. On the glass, use the marker to draw an eye with a heart in it on both sides of the glass, right over top each other.
Prop the glass up between the candles and light them. Think about the person you are interested in, and say their name a few times. Look through one side of the glass and watch the flame through the eye you drew.
Let the candles burn out on their own, and you'll find that person can't stop thinking about you now that their eyes are open. Now that you have their attention, make the most of it.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Marie Laveau Live!

A few months after Hurricane Katrina, construction crews moved in and began helping to rebuild the city of New Orleans.
During renovations on one flood damaged home, workers discovered a hidden room behind a false wall. It looked like the hidden room had been sealed up for at least a hundred years!
Inside was some kind of stone altar, covered with strange dolls, statues, candles and bottles. In the middle of the altar, resting in the middle of a circle drawn with some kind of strange white powder, was an old hand written leather book.  It was a strange combination of English and French, and the workers could only make out small parts here and there; "To Bring a Lover" , "To Win at Gambling", "To Become Succesful", "To Obtain the Three Magic Bones".
Dozens and dozens of chants, and spells, and incantations. It was hard to make sense of it all. One part seemed to be a list of various oils and their ingredients, another section told of how to foretell the future from a card game called Patience, and goes on to explain the method and the meanings of the cards.
These men knew nothing of Voodoo and Hoodoo, and almost threw the book and other items away. Then they saw on the inside cover of the book one thing they had heard of, a name.One that anyone who has ever set foot in New Orleans has heard.
Written on the inside cover were these words: "Property of Marie Laveau".

Sunday, January 6, 2013


The ritual symbol for the god of crossroads, Exu. Use this talisman for removing obstacles and creating opportunities.

For the best result, draw out the talisman on a piece of parchment paper with Dragon’s blood ink. Alternately, you may print out the page, cut out the desired talisman, and fold it either towards you to draw the talisman’s properties to you, or away from you to repel negativity.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Veve or Vévé

A Veve or Vévé (also spelled beybey and vever) is a religious symbol commonly used in Haitian Vodou.
The veves represent figures of the astral forces... In the course of Voodoo ceremonies, the reproduction of the astral forces represented by the veves obliges the loas... to descend to earth.
Every Loa has his or her own unique veve, although regional differences have led to different veves for the same loa in some cases. Sacrifices and offerings are usually placed upon them, with food and drink being most commonly used in the West.

The ritual diagram are also magic.

Veve of Maman Brigitte.  
Maman Brigitte is a death loa, the wife of Baron Samedi. Maman Brigitte is one of the few Loa who is white and is depicted as being fair-haired and green-eyed with light European skin. She protects gravestones in cemeteries if they are properly marked with a cross.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Five Money Drawing Spell

The purpose of this spell is to attract money. Gather the following items:
Three coins
Place a small bowl in a place you will see every day. While holding three coins in your dominant hand say:
Trinka five, Trinka five
Ancient Spirits come alive,
Money grow and money thrive,
Spirits of the trinka five.
Toss the coins in the bowl. Repeat daily for nine consecutive days until you have the money you need.